Sunday, April 29, 2007

Our New Duds!

Mum bought us some new clothes and toys. I don't really like wearing clothes. But for my Mum, I'll suffer the indignity. Sigh! She got us these silly FBI ones.

Toto & I with our new shirts and new soft toys

This morning we went to the beach for breakfast as usual and everyone was pointing at Toto and I because we had on our new shirts. It was embarrassing. When we got to the beach, Dad parked the car and guess what. My silly parents forgot to bring my lead!! We had to asked the nice manager at the pub if he had a spare lead somewhere but he didn't. He was nice enough to bring a long string though. Even more indignities - I was tethered with a string! I guess that was the only way I could get a walk. My parents very wisely refuse to let me off my lead. I have been known to wander off.

Toto doing his thing in the garden. See he loved his toy so much he wouldn't let go of it. Its his first toy.

More Toto & toy pics
Special Agent In Charge Scruffy

Special Agent In Training Toto

And of course, I saw Auntie Eileen this morning. I was scrubbed and snipped and clipped and washed and brushed ....
Here is the result. What do you think? Was my Mum right?


José Tan said...

Hmmm... my Mummy bought me those clothes before, i hate it. We are already so handsome, we don't need accessories, right?

Duke said...

You guys are just so cute naked but the clothes are cute too and it makes mom happy!
Mitch carries toys outside in his mouth when he pees too! It's so embarrasing!

Love ya lots,