Monday, January 21, 2008

Silly Toto

Yesterday, our parents brought the whole family to Tanjong Beach. It was a very hot and muggy afternoon. I was panting and panting as it was really hot. When we finally got to the beach, I could hardly wait for my Kor Kor and Jie Jie to change so that they can take me to the sea. Finally into the cold cold sea - I leapt in.

Meanwhile Toto thought he was Superman and followed me jump in as well. This is where he became totally silly. That twit, he kept drinking the sea water. Lapping it up with his greedy tongue. Daddy told him not to do it and that he would get sick, but did he listen - no he did not. True enough, when we went to rest on the beach with Mummy, that silly brother of mine puked his guts out. Serves him right for not listening to Daddy.

But that's not the end of his silliness. When we got home, Toto suddenly started shivering and wouldn't stop. And horrors - he didn't want to eat his dinner. This is very very very unusual as we all know how greedy Toto is. Food is his first love. And sea water it seems!!

Mummy got real worried and kept holding him and covering him with a warm towel. I have to say I got rather jealous and wished I was sick too. Daddy said it was probably all the sea water he insisted on drinking and exhaustion. He is littler than I so he's not so used to hectic activity. Anyway, luckily after all the mothering Mummy gave him he felt better. After sleeping the whole night, today he is right as rain and gobbling down his breakfast like he always does. I sure hope he learnt his lesson and listen to Daddy next time. But I know my brother, he will forget and do exactly the same thing the next time we go. That silly boy!!


Cody, THE Fussy Pot Pants said...

I hate the sea! It makes too much noises!!! No way I am gonna drink from it, esp seeing how Toto reactes!

Duke said...

We're so glad that Toto is feeling better! No more salty ocean water, Toto!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Urban Smoothie Read said...

luckily when i drank the sea water, i only got diarrhea, but not sick...

poor toto, hope he get well soon/...

Lorenza said...

Hi, Scruffy!
Poor Toto! Sure I hope he learnt his lesson!
Glad to know that he is ok now!
Take care

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear, good thing Toto is better now. He'll learn to listen to you and your dad now

~ Girl girl

Ume said...

poor Toto!
i think u need to keep an eye on him during the next beach outing, Scruffy.