Thursday, January 24, 2008

Poor Toto

Guess what! Mummy tells me that this weekend Toto is having his boy bits taken out. I had mine done ages ago. And if I remember correctly, Toto will hate it.

First, he can't eat or drink from the night before. Mummy says this is because they will put Toto under general anaesthetic. This makes him go to sleep and not feel the pain.

Then he will wake up and feel really whoosy and sleepy for the rest of the day. And worst of all, the lampshade!! He will have to wear it at least 2 weeks.

Poor Toto! My heart goes out to him.


Duke said...

Hey Toto!
It's not so bad! The missing breakie part stinks but I got to come home the very same day and sleep in my own bed and I didn't have to wear a lampshade! Be extra special good and you won't have to either! We'll be thinking about you!

Yer friend,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

we know is a minor surgery....

i had gone through it though..

hope toto will have a successful surgery...

Anonymous said...

We'll be thinking of Toto and hope he's not feeling too bad after the operation.


Unknown said...

oh pooor Toto! I remember mine... I kept licking and licking the stitches so finally I had to wear a lampshade too!
Send good vibes and lots of love!


Maya and Kena said...

We've gone through a similar surgery...and don't worry, you'll be fine!
We'll cross our paws fur you and keep you in our thoughts!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Ronin_The_Pug said...

WhaaaT??? Noooo! You know that my humans thought to remove my... you know what... But they changed their minds... But tell Toto not to be scared! We are thinking at him!

Cody, THE Fussy Pot Pants said...

I overheard that I am gonna undergo the same thing too.. My Dad is trying to persuade my Mumsy to allow me to keep them but she is adamant that they have to go.

Tell me your experience ok? So that I can be better prepared.

Good luck Toto!

Anna said...

Hi Toto!
I'm going to the vets soon too, for the same operation...not looking forward to it one little bit!
Good luck and let me know how you get on.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear Toto. I'm keeping my paws crossed for you

~ Girl girl