Monday, September 10, 2007

Toto's Obsession

I have to tell you this. Toto has a really disgusting obsession! He is obsessed with stinky, smelly pooey socks. The stinkier the better. He only grabs all the used socks. He leaves the clean ones alone. Look at him! Isn't he disgusting!!!

Toto with Kor Kor's stinky socks

Tell me all about your obsessions.


Luckie Girl said...

LOL!! So Toto has an acquired taste eh??

~Sweety~ said...


I got obession with towels n blankets!

I love them~

Lots of Love,

Amber said...

Stinky socks? I have a more disgusting obsession. But I like to keep it as a secret. hehe

Duke said...

Are stinky socks worse than dirty, used Kleenex? That's my obsession!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said...

LOL - I got an obsession with socks AND jocks!!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. stinky socks.. I got obsession with tissue paper.. New and unused ones. hee hee

~ Girl girl

Ronin_The_Pug said...

Hahahahahahahahah!!!! That's funny! I looooove socks and towels! I act like a maniac around towels!

Lorenza said...

That is a very funny picture of Toto! I almost can imagine him in action with those socks!!
My obsession are my mom's bras!!!
Have a good night

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i love stinky socks too...especially when my owner juz got it off her stinky feet

Maya and Kena said...

BOL about the socks!! And thanks for stopping by my page to wish me a happy early woofday!!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Koobuss said...

Oh Scruff,

Dirty socks are so much better than clean ones. Clean socks smell like detergent. Dirty socks smell like sweaty humans. They smell good.

Koobuss Kisses,

Pee Ess Glad you like my new look. Thanks.

Balboa said...

I'm with you Toto, I love my daddy's stinky socks, the smellier the better.

Frenchie SNorts

Cody, THE Fussy Pot Pants said...

Toto looks like he is going to bury that sock!

I am only obsessed with keeping the floor clean, i.e. I like to lick everything up, my own hair, bits of hay, my housemates' litter and even a small bit of chocolate my Dad dropped! I got a scolding for that one..

Bella said...

Hahahaha Scruffy - don't knock what you haven't tried.
Smelly socks are yum, as are underwear, the under-arm of t-shirt or shirt ....

Jeszica said...

alamak stinky socks are the BEST ok?!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Stinky socks, underwear, and mildewed towels...those are Scruffy's favorites...if they are REALLY stinky, he ROLLS on them so he smells stinky too. Sensible Lakelands don't have these disgusting habits. But a good bra chew on the plastic straps ranks right up there!!!! Great question!!!!!!!!!

Lakie sniffs, Lacie

José Tan said...

Haha... My Bond has the same obsession as Toto. For me, used tissues. Hehe...