We really did it this time. Escaped again. This time Toto escaped too.
It all started mid-morning on Sunday. Toto and I just had our weekly (urgh!) bath and was running out to the garden to rub ourselves on the grass as usual. Lo and behold! Guess what! The gate is open!!! I think Kor Kor's tutor left it open when she left the house after tuition. Anway, I don't really care. Opportunity presents itself.
I was out of there. I ran and ran. Sniffing and poking my nose at all the interesting smells that Daddy won't let me sniff at when we went for our walkies. We came to a fork in the road and Toto decided that he wanted to turn left while I continued on. I can see the big main road in front where all the wheeled thingys are whizzing by. Excitement! Excitement! I charged on.
When I got to the big road, I decided I didn't really want to try and cross with all the wheeled thingys whizzing by so I walked along it. I came to the food centre. Oh my dog! All those smells and exciting things to explore. I feel like the great Indiana Jones off to adventures. Exploring and finding lost artifacts. Of course, I am more dashing than Harrison Ford.
By the by, I came to this place where all the wheeled thingys were parked. I was getting rather tired by then. I wanted to go home. But .... which way? I was in big trouble. I didn't know. Daddy never brought me here before. Where oh where should I go? I am beginning to feel the first signs of panic. I want my Mummy!
Oh! There's a lady there. I shall go ask her where I should go. Maybe she'll know.
Obviously my pathetic look must have worked. The lady patted me and kindly asked if I was lost. I must have looked lost. Please! Please! Tell me where my house is. The lady looked at my name tag which I always wear round my neck. Oh! I think this is your parent's phone number, she says. She makes a call. After that she started patting me and playing with me. By then I really was in no mood to play. I want my Mummy! Where is my Mummy?!
I looked across the park thing and I spy Jie Jie. Jie Jie come get me. I'm here. I struggled out of the kindly lady's arms and ran and ran to Jie Jie. Boy! Am I glad to see you! Take me home please.
Jie Jie wasn't amused. She scolded me and smacked me. (But gently. Not her usual big smack like when I attacked her shoes.) She went on and on about losing the way. Bad men taking me. Getting knocked down by the wheeled thingys. Come on Jie Jie. I'm a big dog now. I had the sense not to cross the road and not to follow bad men. Okay! Okay! So I wasn't sure how to get home but you came to get me didn't you.
To cut a long story short, I am now home. I have been chastised long and loud by everyone in the family. Including my usually soft Mummy. I spent the rest of the day sulking because of all the scoldings I got. Nothing happened to me right. I got home alright. So I don't see what all the big fuss is about. But just to make peace with everyone.
Please please please forgive me.

PS : Now what happened to Toto you ask. I will leave Toto to tell you about his adventures tomorrow. Mum says she had better do some work now. BTW he is home too.