The morning began nice and early. Mummy woke us up and started getting us ready really early. She says we have to get there early or we won't find a place to park the car. So we got there nice and early but there were other doggies who were even earlier.
Look! There were so may doggies and their family around. All kinds of breeds, sizes and shapes. So exciting. I had a great time sniffing furbutts and making new friends.
Look at all those doggies and their family
Other doggies waiting for the big start
Mummy registered us for the walk and we got a goodie bag. There were loads of things in the goodie bag. There were dog food, cookies and even a nice leather lead. Personally, I liked the cookies best.
After the registration we hung around poking around and making friends while waiting for the BIG walk to start.
Hanging around
Toto and I waiting for the flag off. Those blue bags are our goodie bags.
The big flag off! There were so many dogs angling to be the first to start off. It was like a long choo choo train of doggies and their family.
Both Toto and I started off at a run. It was great fun. We tugged at our leads to join the doggies in the front of the train. But of course, Mummy who was holding my lead couldn't keep up and I had to humour her by holding back. Toto was luckier. Jie Jie was holding his lead and the both of them ran to the front of the pack and lead the rest of us along the path. Doggies stopped every now and then to sniff at the stuff along the pathway and of course each other as well. Some even pooped making their parents stop to scoop up the poopie. And of course, all of us peed at one time or another.
Finally we reached the end which was also the starting poing of the walk. There is a big dog run there and our parents took us in and let us off our leads. Toto and I both ran around sniffing at the interesting things. We also made friends with other doggies who were also running around.
Here I am roving around
Here's Toto among all the other doggies
After all the excitement Toto and I were just exhausted. At the end the both of us were just lying in the cool mud (Mummy wasn't pleased) and resting.
I am already dreaming of next year's Dog Walk when I can come here and do it all over again.