Toto and I wish all our doggy friends and their hoomans a very happy and successful 2008. May the new year bring with it loads of treats for us furkids and their hoomans.
Today is the very last day of 2007. This year has been quite eventful for me. First off, I had my boy bits taken out this year. I was sorry to see them go but Mummy says she loves me with or without my boy bits so I guess that was OK.
I also gained a brother this year. I went from a single dog family to having to share my hoomans with a pesky little brother. I am still getting used to being a big brother.
And another very exciting event in my doggy world - I found Dogs With Blogs! I am so happy to have found such a happy and caring community out there in cyberspace. I am enjoying myself very much with all the friends that I have found.
I now look forward to 2008. I wonder what the year will bring for me.